contains the following tiddlers:
$:/state/folded/nurturing the mammalian brain
a woman's life circumscribed by sex
abstract vs concrete points
ADHD and prefrontal cortex
agency: owning your life
annihilation of the other
anxiety in capitalist society
Aristotle and different kinds of infinity
Aristotle's time is only potentially infinite
attachment theory
attachment theory in sum
Becoming Some Body
being and becoming
being mirrored while revisiting the past is healing
birth and law
brain waves of traumatized patients
Breaking the Silence
capitalists encase everything
coldness of womb
colonial occupation and space
colony military and industry
connections, mass, horde or mob
criteria of prophecy
dawn as the widening of the cervix
Dealing with Reality
democracy divides
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
dirty wars
disorganized people
dissociation: knowing and not knowing
domestication and neurodivergence
embodied categorization
emotional trauma
ending the foundation of society
enemy within
evil is a relay sport
experientialist (embodied) vs objectivist thinking
Exploring Yoga
extra-legal extermination of natural humans
factoids versus theorems
fantasy and feelings
Finding Our Way To Yoga: Bottom-Up Regulation
friends celebrate love
from far away the whole thing is beautiful
fuzzy sets
Getting to Know Me: Cultivating Interoception
gnostic sect leaders sound like cult leaders
gnosticism and myth
gnosticism and the feminine other
going beyond morality
having sex being on the side of the material world
healing a traumatized shape of time
heat and pregnancy
horror of the infinite as small-mindedness
How to kill an idea
Is EMDR a form of exposure therapy?
Jesus dissolves boundaries that the demiurge created
Knowing Yourself or Telling Your Story: Our Dual Self-Awareness System
lack of thriving, suffering
late modern siege warfare
Learning Self-Regulation
leave the past behind
liberal democracies have a narcissistic personality
life is cheap and loss is normal
Locks and enclosure and democracy
logos in indigenous knowledge
loss as a good
loss of sense of self
love of nature as one with nature
man's fallenness in sex because animals do it
marriage as man's weakness
misogynist theodicy
morality and time
mothers and abuse
myth in democracy
Necropolitics: Introduction
nocturnal face of democracy
nurturing the mammalian brain
objectivist vs experintialist view of reason
people as sovereign healers of themselves
physicians' subjective objectivity
plants and humanity
plants and time-keeping
pleasure vs commitment
poisonous secrets
preference for danger
pro-slavery democracy
projections of misogyny
racism as a luxury item
rage that has nowhere to go
reason belief and AI
reduction of indigenous to stereotypes of artifacts
Rilke quoting
roots of nazism in colonialism
security state
selling out
sex and death; celibacy and eternal life
sex is not human but animal
sexual renunciation and purity of mind
sexual renunciation shows the world has ended
some scholars in development of embodied categories
soul murder
Soul's alienation from the body to aid in martyrdom
state of siege
states of exception and democracy
suicide as sacrifice
Talking past each other
Tertullian and stoicism
the abundance of nature
The Age Exploration and Exception
the application of limit to the infinite
the beginning of a committed relationship
the body as a cloak
The Body is the Bridge
the damage of emotional abuse
the enemy is everywhere
The Event
the fires of the aether reflected in the bodies of lovers
the gnostic believer sees the material world as signs of the higher
the need for an enemy
The Nocturnal Body of Democracy
the right to enjoy racist jokes
the terror of hegemony
the traumatized Other's demand for recognition
the West is unable to perceive of the end
there is no outside
this is such incel shit
time comes together
To lock
trauma gives a poor map or shape of time
trauma looping
Valentinian pneumata sound like fragmented parts of personality
war, exit, enclosure
well I guess we should just leave
western civilization's obsession with the end of the world
what makes you crazy is denying reality
womanness and sexuality
women in misogynist societies
Writing to yourself
you can't control death but you can control sex